Sunday, June 21, 2009

Quest Log: Item Dissection

Nearly everything is a process and designing the items (ListBoxItems) in the Quiz Generator is no exception. These items are the pivot to the user interaction and overall experience with the application. Consequently they are vital to the overall success of the application and must be good!

This item represents what question banks, subjects, levels, annotations, and templates. As you can see there are several components that make up a single item. There are 3 buttons on all items. The large + button adds the item to the current quiz. The hammer button next to it is the Edit Button that allows the user to edit the item. The third button is the delete button which deletes the item permanently (there is a prompt window to avoid accidental deletions). There is one additional button on Question Banks when they or any items within have been edited since saved last (not shown). This button is directly to the right of the Edit Button.

Everything else is fairly self-explanatory. Moving from left to right, there is a icon and some text representing the item type. Next is the title, "Aerial Sample", and subtitle "test" of the item. Last there are 2-3 items giving details on the item; author, total question, and just question banks have the third item is Last Revised.

Editing an item is very straightforward and fast. This is what an item looks like in edit mode. It simple changes to text entry fields. Originally I had a window pop up to edit the item but that was inconvenient for such simple changes. Questions on the other hand have a separate window for editing. I will go over this on a later date.

Questions are a little different from all of the other items, but not too much. Instead of displaying information about the question, it only displays what the user going to care 95% of the time - the actual question. Because of this, going through a question bank and selecting appropriate items for a quiz is both easy and fast!

Last of all are the items in the quiz. Similar to the other items, they have buttons and vital text. You are already familiar with two of the buttons (edit and delete buttons). The third button, the most left button, is the Unlock button. The function of this button will be described in detail on my next post. Besides these buttons are two pieces of text; the question number on the top and then the actual question in full directly below it. This is RichText and is displayed exactly as it will on the printed quiz (WYSIWYG).

Overall the items are fairly basic. They only display the essential information to keep things clean and elegant. I am very pleased with how they turned out.

*saved game*

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